Caring for a pipe organ

How does it work?

What are the common faults?

How do we know if the organ is historic?

What changes are permissible?

Health and safety challenges

Resources available to parishes


Most churches have them. Some are celebrated as precious assets; in other cases the value is less clear. But sooner or later, they all need care and maintenance. This session from renowned organ advisor William McVicker explores some of the key issues, and offers practical pointers about where to turn for practical next steps. 

14:00-14:45 27 April 2024


William McVicker

Dr William McVicker is Organ Curator at London’s Royal Festival Hall and is professor of organology at the Royal Academy of MusicHe is an active recitalist and church musician and served as Director of Music at St Barnabas, Dulwich for thirty-one years. William is Chairman of the Association of Independent Organ Advisers (AIOA), Organs Adviser to the Diocese of Southwark, a Trustee of the ON Organ Fund, and former organ adviser to the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England (CFCE).  An Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Musical Instrument Technology, William was recently elected both an Honorary Research Fellow and an Honorary Associate of the Royal Academy of Music. 


Adrian Bawtree
Peter Asprey
Hannah Davey
Robert Sharpe
Alexander L’Estrange
Ebor Singers
James Gilchrist
Pete Gunstone
Tansy Castledine
Tom Daggett
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell
Andy Thomas
Joanna Forbes L'Estrange
Victoria Johnson
Carl Jackson
Roxanna Panufnik
Alison Barrington
Peter Aiers
William McVicker
Mark Keith
Philip Moore