In the Stillness

Internationally-renowned singers Hannah Davey and James Gilchrist perform reflective music in the Quire of York Minster, as a preparation for Compline. (Unfortunately Andrea Haines has had to withdraw from the Festival due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologise.)

20:00-20:20 27 April 2024


James Gilchrist

Recognised as ‘the finest Evangelist of his generation’, James Gilchrist is one of the UK’s leading tenors, whose extensive repertoire embraces works spanning many centuries. He is an enthusiastic and prolific exponent of lieder and enjoys nothing better than putting together interesting and challenging recital programmes. His impressive discography includes the Vaughan Williams Songs of Travel, Schubert and Schumann song cycles, Finzi, Bach and Britten. 

Hannah Davey

Hannah’s performances take her across the UK and Europe performing song recitals, oratorio, and orchestral concerts. Notable solo engagements include regular performances with the Orchestra of St John’s including the ‘My Music’ series at Wigmore Hall, London, performances of Bach and Handel with The Musical and Amicable Society, a production of The Merchant of Venice at the Royal Shakespeare Company and song recitals in France, Sweden and Denmark. Hannah is in demand as an oratorio soloist and has performed at many venues including St John’s Smith Square and King’s Place, London, Dorchester Abbey, Malmesbury Abbey, Tewkesbury Abbey, and her home town of Cheltenham. Recordings include Mozart Requiem with Orchestra of St John’s and William Hayes ‘The Fall of Jericho’ with the Corelli Ensemble.


Adrian Bawtree
Philip Moore
Mark Keith
William McVicker
Tansy Castledine
Andy Thomas
Carl Jackson
Joanna Forbes L'Estrange
Victoria Johnson
Ebor Singers
Peter Aiers
Peter Asprey
Tom Daggett
Robert Sharpe
James Gilchrist
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell
Pete Gunstone
Roxanna Panufnik
Hannah Davey
Alison Barrington
Alexander L’Estrange